Soldiers Point marina is a great place to stay if you want to relax or get work done. Zenitude and Oscar arrive at the marina after leaving Oyster Cove boatyard and while the mechanic does his magic with the engines and the electrician with the battery bank, Oscar is busy working on the endless 'to do' list. We ended up loosing one of the batteries but finally got the new wind generator installed so now we are good with electrical supply, at least for the time being.
The marina has excellent installations, there are 2 good restaurants and the people are very nice and helpful. I'm coming on the weekends while Oscar remains in Soldier Point. The plan was to stay a week on Soldiers Point but we had to stay an extra week waiting for a weather window, we need northerlies or easterlies to be able to go down to Sydney and we need that during the weekend as I'm working during the week days.

In the meantime, work on the bimini continues during the little free time left, the deadline is sometime before Christmas, would it happen?:
hard work continues |
Finally it seems that we can leave Friday for an overnight trip. The
weather pattern has been pretty much the same, a southerly change every three days, we want to
be in Sydney early Saturday ahead of strong winds and the cold front
forecast for Sunday.
It is Friday afternoon and after almost 8 months without seeing open waters Zenitude is leaving Nelson Bay on a 90 miles trip towards Sydney. She looks great and with a lot less paint in the bottom it seems she is a bit faster. Everybody is happy.