Welcome to Zenitude’s blog where you can follow us while we travel slow in our Lagoon catamaran. We update this blog frequently when we are cruising to let family and friends know where we are. Check the complete story of our adventures that started in 2006 when Zenitude became our home and cruising our way of life. Graciela and Oscar

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Work at the boatyard

Work in the boatyard is finished and Zenitude with a renewed look is back in the water. She had all the old bottom paint removed and replaced by new anti-fouling, including raising a bit the water line that was too low. She also had all the old stripes removed and replaced by new ones, polish and wax completes the new look. Sail drives are good. Seacocks are good except for one that is broken and needs changing. Oh well, always a worry, everybody is busy at the yard, nobody wants a small job so Oscar decides to do it himself. It is an underwater seacock so it has to be perfect if Zenitude is to stay in the water. Finally all is done, on November 20 she is down in the water happily floating again.

Oscar had been looking around making inquires and found a great marina in Soldiers Point with a very good mechanic and electrician to continue with the overall maintenance work. So that is where he is heading all by himself as I'm still working in Sydney. Going along the channel is a bit stressful with just under 3 feet depth at high tide in some places, but he makes it to the marina.

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