Welcome to Zenitude’s blog where you can follow us while we travel slow in our Lagoon catamaran. We update this blog frequently when we are cruising to let family and friends know where we are. Check the complete story of our adventures that started in 2006 when Zenitude became our home and cruising our way of life. Graciela and Oscar

Monday, 6 May 2013

Arriving in Noumea

At dawn we can see New Caledonia ahead. It is a rainy day and we are approaching the "Passe de Boulari" to get into the lagoon. The pass is easy and we enter the big lagoon. It will take us about 3 hours to navigate the lagoon and arrive in Port Moselle, where boats coming from overseas need to clear with customs, immigration and agriculture. Finally, at around 1.00PM we enter the marina and dock at the visitors pontoon. We have arrived.

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