Welcome to Zenitude’s blog where you can follow us while we travel slow in our Lagoon catamaran. We update this blog frequently when we are cruising to let family and friends know where we are. Check the complete story of our adventures that started in 2006 when Zenitude became our home and cruising our way of life. Graciela and Oscar

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Aussie Spiders on board keeping us in Noumea

When we removed our main sail for repairs it appears that we disturbed a white back spider that had set residence in Zenitude. We are not sure but the fact is that the following day a nasty insect bite appeared in Oscar’s leg and since then I have found 2 nasty looking black spiders on board, one appeared when we removed a piece of the gennaker rigging that we haven’t used for this trip and the other one jumped in front of me when I moved a piece of fabric that was on deck. Not nice. 

They don’t have this type of spiders in New Caledonia so these came traveling with us from Australia. We are actually sure they took up residence in Zenitude when we left her on the dry in Oyster Cove yard. When Zenitude went back to the water we thought we got rid of all spiders and ants which were really annoying. But apparently, there is no way to get rid of spiders unless you find them.  

With doctor’s advice Oscar is treating the lesion but healing is slow. In the meantime he can’t swim and we decided to stay around civilization in case more medical care is needed. So we are still in Noumea, doing land sightseeing and still enjoying French cuisine. The issue is lots of food and too little exercise. But not all time is lost, we keep fixing and improving Zenitude. This is starting to look like a working holiday, but not without fun.  I’ll update the post when we are ready to move again.
Anse Vata on a cloudy Sunday

One of the many restaurants in Anse Vata, Noumea

Up in Anse du Fort

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